A Law Firm Known For Getting Results

We Can Hold Your Employer Accountable For Retaliation

At Glickman & Glickman, A Law Corporation, we help victims of retaliation. Our attorneys have experience handling retaliation claims throughout California, and we can help you hold your employer accountable for their actions.

Retaliatory Actions Can Be Subtle

Retaliation can be difficult to identify at first. However, after a while, retaliatory actions may become more noticeable. While the signs of retaliation can be hard to see in some cases, this behavior is still illegal.

Employees may find themselves being victims of retaliation for several reasons, including for reporting harassment or discrimination, making whistleblower claims, or reporting illegal behaviors or mistreatment in the workplace.

Retaliation can lead to a variety of issues in the workplace. When it comes to retaliation, employees may be subject to the following:

  • Demotion
  • Poor performance reviews
  • Not being considered for a promotion
  • Disciplinary actions
  • Termination

You don’t have to put up with these illegal behaviors at work. Our attorneys can explain your rights and what legal action you may be able to pursue against your employer.

Retaliation claims can be complex and require skilled lawyers who are prepared to take your case to trial. We prepare every case as if it will go to trial to make sure you receive the best outcome possible.

Contact Us For A Free Initial Consultation

We have offices located in Los Angeles and San Francisco, and we represent employees throughout California. If an employer has violated your rights, call us at 310-746-5116. As every situation is unique, we prefer to discuss the details with you over the phone.