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Legal malpractice suit restored on appeal

A case of alleged legal malpractice from outside of California is a good example of how a person in Los Angeles who suffers a personal injury still has options when his or her attorneys negligently cause his or her claim to fail. The injured person, who still needs to be made financially whole, can make a claim of malpractice against the negligent lawyers who kept him or her from getting a fair chance at compensation.

The woman in this case was injured in an auto accident involving two semi trucks in 2006. She went to a personal injury law firm that advertises on television and radio. Someone with the firm, perhaps one of the attorneys, told her that she had suffered $600,000 worth of damages. She agreed to hire the firm to represent her in a lawsuit against the truck drivers.

Apparently, that was the last she heard from the firm for several years. Finally, she learned that the firm had failed to deliver the legal complaints to the drivers within the legally required time frame. She tried to revive her claim, but the statute of limitations ran out. The woman was left with nothing to compensate her for the alleged negligence of other people.

To seek compensation, she filed a legal malpractice suit against her former law firm. The case was dismissed, but restored on appeal in mid-February. Now, it appears that the woman will get the chance to make a claim in court for a form of justice.

Source: Standard-Examiner, “Ogden woman’s malpractice lawsuit against law firm to continue,” Andreas Rivera, Feb. 17, 2014
