It’s an example of legal malpractice if an attorney enters into a professional relationship with a client while knowing that there is a conflict of interest. But there are also cases in which the attorney may not realize that there’s an issue until they’ve already...
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Los Angeles Professional Malpractice Law Blog
Examples of attorney ethics violations
When you hire an attorney, you deserve someone who will put your best interests first and who will follow not just the law, but the ethical standards of the profession. Certain ethics violations could significantly harm your case. But what exactly could this look...
Did your accountant’s error trigger an IRS audit?
Most people would agree that the IRS tax code is confusing and complicated. The code itself is almost 6,900 pages. There are another 75,000 pages once you add in the U.S. Treasury’s official interpretation. Therefore, it’s easy to make errors when completing your tax...
What clients need to know about legal malpractice insurance
The conduct of a professional can have major implications for their clients. When people turn to educated specialists, like attorneys, they typically need help handling a specific matter. They expect that the licensed professional they hire can help them navigate a...
When does a lawyer need consent from a client
A lack of consent is a common ground in legal malpractice cases. Lawyers are prohibited from taking certain actions without informed consent from their clients. As a client, it’s vital to know these circumstances to identify malpractice conduct. Here is when your...
Ineffective assistance of counsel and legal malpractice
A person who believes that they had ineffective assistance of counsel and that it harmed the outcome of their case may be able to appeal the verdict and seek a new trial. They may also have the option to sue their attorney for legal malpractice. Ineffective assistance...
A lawyer who uses AI could commit ethics violations
When a lawyer commits ethics violations, it could be an example of legal malpractice. Common examples include breaching confidentiality, making false statements or taking other intentional actions that harm a client’s case. A lawyer is not expected to win every single...
Important statutes of limitations in California
One of the responsibilities of your attorney while handling your case is to ensure that you meet all relevant deadlines. Missing critical deadlines, such as those established by California’s statutes of limitations, could invalidate your case. For instance, if your...
How can accounting errors hurt your business?
You've worked hard to build your business. Late nights, early mornings and countless sacrifices. But what if a simple accounting mistake could undo all your efforts? It's a scary thought, but it happens more often than you'd think. Let's look at the top three...
What are common warning signs of legal malpractice?
People who hire attorneys expect them to offer a professional standard of legal representation. After years of school and passing the bar exam, those working as attorneys should theoretically understand state statutes and how to assist their clients as they navigate...